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The backstory of ‘Russian Army Barbie Girl’

Кадр: Valery Petrov / YouTube

Thanks to an article in the British tabloid The Mirror, a 2012 YouTube video of young men dressed as Russian soldiers, marching and singing the 1990s pop music hit “Barbie Girl,” is now a viral hit, with more than 660,000 views. The Russian website contacted one of the participants, who turns out to be a reserve officer in training (not a conscript or professional soldier), and learned what other songs they performed.

Russian Army Barbie Girl
Valery Petrov

According to Artem Grigoryev, a reserve officer in training and a student in the mathematics and mechanics department at St. Petersburg State University, the school’s drill sergeants were “more liberal” than most, and allowed students to choose their own repertoire. Grigoryev says the marching drills became a sort of competition, where groups competed to perform the most “unconventional music.”

Valery Petrov

According to a reserve officer in training in another drilling group, other students at the same university in 2012 performed music by Pink Floyd, Lady Gaga, and even Spongebob Squarepants. Students also sang various Russian songs.

Bad Romance Cover

“It cheered up everyone. Even the conscripts would look out the windows of the barracks and start making requests,” Grigoryev said.