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69 laws in just three days Ahead of summer recess, Russia's State Duma races ahead with a mountain of far-reaching legislation

Source: Meduza
Vladimir Fedorenko / Sputnik / Scanpix / LETA

Ahead of its summer recess, the State Duma passed final drafts (third readings) of 69 very different pieces of legislation. Many of the laws adopted in this hurried flurry of activity will likely have a profound impact on the lives of millions of ordinary Russians. Meduza summarizes the most important legislative moves by Russia's federal lawmakers in the past three days.

  • Canceled free checked baggage on flights with nonrefundable tickets
  • Banned anonymous communication over online instant messengers
  • Outlawed Internet anonymization software, like VPN and the Tor browser
  • Transferred control over elections at the Russian Academy of Science to the Kremlin
  • Restricted minority shareholders' access to company documents
  • Levied a new tax on resorts in Crimea and other regions
  • Required cellular operators to deny service to customers who buy SIM cards with false identification
  • Doubled the maximum prison penalties for individuals who create “death groups” designed to pressure people into killing themselves
  • Permitted doctors to conduct consultations remotely
  • Prohibited the online sale of alcohol and the sale of tinctures in vending machines
  • Created a foundation to help victims of fraud
  • Allowed courts to strip convicted terrorists of Russian citizenship, and introduced an oath required to receive a Russian passport
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