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How Russia targets its critics abroad in wartime

41 minute

The Russian government has a message for its citizens living in exile: nowhere is safe for you. For years, it’s made this threat clear by subjecting its critics abroad to intimidation, forced repatriation, and assassination attempts. And just as the Kremlin has taken increasingly draconian measures to silence dissent at home since launching the full-scale war in Ukraine, it’s also devised new tactics for targeting activists, journalists, and politicians far beyond its borders. For insight into how Moscow’s approach to transnational repression has changed over the last two years, The Naked Pravda turned to journalist and activist Dan Storyev, who serves as the managing editor of OVD-Info’s English-language edition, and Yana Gorokhovskaia, the research director for strategy and design at Freedom House.


No country can be free without independent media. In January 2023, the Russian authorities outlawed Meduza, banning our work in the country our colleagues call home. Just supporting Meduza carries the risk of criminal prosecution for Russian nationals, which is why we’re turning to our international audience for help. Your assistance makes it possible for thousands of people in Russia to read Meduza and stay informed. Consider a small but recurring contribution to provide the most effective support. Please donate here.


Timestamps for this episode

  • (10:22) Case study: An abduction in Kyrgyzstan
  • (16:40) The goal of Moscow’s repressions abroad
  • (20:10) How countries unwittingly “work hand-in-hand with the Kremlin”
  • (23:41) How the Kremlin’s tactics have changed since 2022
  • (28:29) How Russia takes advantage of the Interpol system to repatriate citizens
  • (34:18) Transnational repression by Belarus
Poisoned abroad

‘The most likely explanation’ At least three Russian journalists and activists appear to have been poisoned abroad since fall 2022

Poisoned abroad

‘The most likely explanation’ At least three Russian journalists and activists appear to have been poisoned abroad since fall 2022

New episodes of The Naked Pravda are released at the end of every week. Catch each show by subscribing through Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, or one of these other platforms. If you have a question or comment about the podcast, please write to Kevin Rothrock at with the subject line: “The Naked Pravda.”

Hosted by Sam Breazeale. Sound editing by Kevin Rothrock.