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Jade McGlynn’s ‘Russia’s War’

28 minutes

How complicit are ordinary Russians in the invasion of Ukraine? That’s a question at the core of Russia’s War, a book published this May, where author Jade McGlynn explores what she calls “the grievances, lies, and half-truths that pervade the Russian worldview,” arguing that too many people in Russia have “invested too deeply in the Kremlin’s alternative narratives” to see the war in Ukraine as the brutal assault it is.

Dr. McGlynn specializes in Russian media, memory, and foreign policy at the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. Follow her here on 𝕏 (formerly known as Twitter). You can find Russia’s War on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Timestamps for this episode:

  • (2:13) What’s so special about PIR Center director Vladimir Orlov?
  • (8:03) Russians’ moral culpability in the war
  • (13:30) Zelensky’s role and the war’s heroes and villains
  • (15:43) Analyzing Russian Telegram channels during the war
  • (19:11) Russia’s anti-Kremlin opposition during the war
  • (22:30) Changing Russians’ minds from abroad

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Sound editing by Kevin Rothrock