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Regional public monitoring commission says no violations found in prison where Navalny died

Source: Meduza

The regional branch of Russia’s Public Monitoring Commission (ONK), an organization tasked with overseeing the observance of prisoners’ rights, found no violations during a routine inspection of Correctional Facility No. 3 (IK-3), the prison where Navalny died, local ONK chairperson Danila Gontar told Interfax.

“Yes, inspections were conducted at both IK-3 and IK-18 in Kharp. The results aren’t significantly different from previous ones. We checked the conditions and made recommendations. There were no significant violations,” Gontar said.

According to him, the commission inspected prison units, as well as the punitive isolation facilities. He noted the “good food” in the prisons and the “wide range of products” in the commissary. Gontar added that he had “many conversations with people” and did not receive any complaints. When asked if the topic of Navalny’s death came up during the inspection, Gontar said no.