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Russian authorities arrest woman who burned passport on New Year’s Eve

Source: Meduza

The Russian authorities have launched a felony case against a Moscow woman for desecrating Russia’s coat of arms after she allegedly burned her Russian passport on New Year’s Eve.

According to state investigators, the 22-year-old set her passport on fire while standing outside of a club in Bryansk. “These actions are a gross insult to and mockery of the civil and patriotic feelings of citizens of the Russian Federation,” read the Investigative Committee’s statement.

Police officers and agents from the Federal Security Service (FSB) are reportedly investigating the situation.

The Telegram channel Baza reported a blogger named Yevgenia Hoffman was arrested in connection with the case and that she claims to have burned her expired passport after getting a new one.

Censorship activist Ekaterina Mizulina, head of the Safe Internet League, said she reported Hoffman to the police after a video of her burning her passport appeared online.