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Two UAVs downed overnight in Moscow suburbs. Blast wave blows out windows in residential high-rise in Krasnogorsk.

Source: Meduza

Air-defense systems downed two UAVs in the Moscow suburbs the night of August 22. The mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and the region’s governor Andrey Vorobyov wrote about the nighttime drone attacks on Telegram.

According to Vorobyov, the blast wave blew out the windows in a high-rise apartment building and in parked vehicles near one of the drones’ crash site in the suburban town of Krasnogorsk.


The Russian Ministry of Defense attributed the two drone attacks to “the Kyiv regime,” describing them as terrorism attempts. In addition to the two UAVs downed in the suburbs of Moscow, two other drones were shot down overnight in the Bryansk region. According to the ministry’s report on Telegram, no one has been injured in last night’s drone strikes.


Moscow’s Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports temporarily limited air traffic in the wake of the attacks, redirecting nine passenger flights to other airports, according to the Russian aviation authority.