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Zelensky says Ukraine is willing to extend Black Sea grain deal without Russia

Source: Meduza

Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday that Kyiv can continue exporting grain through the Black Sea corridor, despite Russia’s purported withdrawal from the grain deal. The statement, which came during an interview with African journalists, was shared on Facebook by his press secretary Serhii Nykyforov.

“Even without the Russian Federation, we need to do everything we can to make it possible to use this Black Sea corridor. We’re not afraid. Companies that own ships have contacted us and said that they’re prepared to continue supplying grain if Ukraine is willing to release it and Turkey will let it through,” the president reportedly said.

Zelensky noted that the grain deal originally consisted of two separated agreements: one between Russia, Turkey, and the UN, and another between Ukraine, Turkey, and the UN. “We had no agreements with [Russia],” he said. He told the journalists that he’s already instructed Ukraine’s Interior Ministry to inform Turkey and the UN that Kyiv is ready to continue exporting grain.

Earlier on Monday, Russia announced that the grain deal has been “de facto” terminated.