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Zelensky sanctions Sergey Shoigu’s daughter, several famous athletes, and Yandex

Source: Meduza

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed two orders, which put into effect the recommendations of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, to sanction more than 400 individuals, as well as 241 companies, with connections to Russia.

The first order places restrictions on 82 Russian and Belarusian athletes, including some Olympic champions, including soccer player Igor Akinfeyev, figure skaters Ilya Averbuch and Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, and gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

Other individuals subject to sanctions include Ksenia Shoigu, who is the president of Russia’s Triathlon Federation and the daughter of Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

The second order imposes sanctions on 351 individuals and 241 companies that, among other things, provide digital technologies services. Among them are Russian search engine Yandex and social networking site VKontakte. Those sanctions are set to last 10 years.