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Imprisoned rocket scientist offers expert help to Russian military

Source: Meduza

A pardons commission in Russia’s Tula region has recommended granting a clemency petition submitted by a rocket scientist now serving a sentence in one of the region’s penal colonies.

Vladimir Anisimov is the former general director of the Moscow-based defense think tank Mai-Lastar. He holds a science doctorate and has previously worked at the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces.

In 2021, Anisimov was sentenced to 15 years and nine months in prison for embezzling 123 million rubles ($1.7 million) in defense research funding. According to the prosecution, Mai-Lastar conducted fictitious research while appropriating grant money, including funding from Roskosmos. Several other researchers were convicted together with Anisimov.

Anisimov filed a clemency petition earlier this year. In addition, he wrote an open letter about his 40-year scientific experience, including “rocket and space systems development.” In his letter, the researcher pointed out that his skills would be useful in the war against Ukraine. His former colleagues at the military academy supplied a letter of recommendation confirming the relevance of Anisimov’s expertise.

Pending the governor’s approval, Anisimov’s clemency petition will be forwarded to the Russian president.