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The case evidence in the investigation into the police who arrested ‘Meduza’ correspondent Ivan Golunov has been classified

Source: Meduza

Case evidence in the criminal inquiry into the drugs allegedly planted on Meduza investigative journalist Ivan Golunov has been classified, a state investigator revealed in court on November 1, in response to a complaint filed by Golunov’s attorney, Sergey Badamshin, against delays in the investigation. The state investigator could not say how much longer the inquiry will continue, and he asked the court to postpone the hearing, so he can clarify this information. The judge granted his request, and the hearing will resume on November 11.

In June 2019, police arrested Meduza special correspondent Ivan Golunov on charges of illegal drug possession and intent to distribute a controlled substance. Golunov says the drugs found in his backpack and apartment were planted. After several days and a series of momentous public demonstrations, Golunov was released and the case against him was dropped. State investigators also opened a probe into the police officers who brought the criminal charges against Golunov.