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‘We have big plans’ Putin met with the Russian Senate today and spoke of nothing but success

On Wednesday, September 23, in a not altogether typical gathering, Vladimir Putin met with the Federation Council (the upper house of Russia’s Parliament). The occasion’s announcement had caused some speculation that the president might unveil important reforms, but he didn’t. Instead, Putin told the senators all about his “big plans” for Russia. In response, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko expressed the Senate’s gratitude. Here’s what everyone said, in a nutshell.

Vladimir Putin: The changes to the constitution are good. The people supported the course towards strengthening Russia’s sovereignty. The citizens have become the real co-authors of the new constitution and they should experience this fully — the government will have to do a good job. Children are our most important priority. We support families with children, and schools. And we will support them even more. We can help citizens, despite the fall in oil prices, we have new high-tech sectors gaining strength. Due to the coronavirus, the situation here remains tense, but in other countries everything is really bad. We helped the economy with cheap loans. Yes, the poverty problem has worsened. But we will help everyone change their lives. We will also increase pensions. We will increase spending on medicine and the environment. We have big plans — we will build roads, modernize airports, reconstruct museums, explore the oceans and space, and create new jobs.

Valentina Matviyenko: A demand for stability has formed in society, we feel this. Life has confirmed the relevance of your timely amendments [to the constitution]. During the time of the coronavirus you worked every day — thank you. We have dealt with COVID better than others, we made a vaccine, and we have the most modern weapons. This haunts our partners — once again, they’re releasing unsubstantiated stories, ones made according to well-known blueprints, in order to contain and subjugate Russia. We can’t let down our guard. Thank you for the important steps towards the transformation of Russia.

Summary by Grigory Levchenko

Translation by Eilish Hart

Cover photo: Alexey Nikolsky / Pool / TASS / Scanpix / LETA