On March 29, Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev took part in a live interview on the social media platform VKontakte as part of the network’s #VKLive program. While Medvedev spoke positively of social media as a platform for two-way communication with the public, his own openness about current events was limited.
On the case against American investment manager Michael Calvey: I don’t have any precise information about the case. The truth will be established in court.
On the case against former Presidential Envoy Viktor Ishaev: It’s difficult for me to comment. Law enforcement agencies, investigators, and the courts will figure it out.
On the case against former minister Mikhail Abyzov: I know nothing about Abyzov’s commercial activity. The only way to solve the conflict now is through a formal investigation.
Cover photo: Yekaterina Shtukina / Press Service of the Government of the Russian Federation / TASS / Vida Press