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Eyewitness footage of the wicked storm that tore through Moscow on Friday

Source: TJournal

One of the strongest storms in decades pummeled Moscow on Friday evening, dumping record amounts of rain and subjecting the city to gusts of wind as fast as 54 miles per hour (24 meters per second) until the early morning hours on Saturday, July 1. At least two people in the Moscow area were struck by lightning and killed, and another nine people were reportedly injured because of the weather. The website TJournal collected footage of Moscow's storm, shared online by eyewitnesses on Friday. Meduza presents the most remarkable of these videos.

“At Red Square. Even the toilets are running from the bloody regime.”

Evgeny D.


Moscow: hail and lightning

Upyru Way


The weather also caused delays at Moscow's Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports.

A flooded runway at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow

TV Channel 360

Photo on front page: Polina Seregina / Instagram