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Chief rabbi of Russia attributes North Caucasus anti-Semitic riots to local sentiments, not Israel’s actions

Source: Meduza

Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar has condemned the anti-Semitic riots in the North Caucasus, adding that he views these events not as a response to Israel’s actions but as evidence of local issues and anti-Semitism.

What does the looting of shops at the Makhachkala airport and the throwing of stones at Russian policemen have to do with Israel’s actions? No, the issue here is not about Israel or the Middle East; they have enough problems there already. Our problem, it seems, is a problem of upbringing. Something has really changed in the North Caucasus. And not for the better.

Lazar dismissed claims that the events were unrelated to anti-Semitism. He emphasized that the airport riots were not an isolated incident: a Jewish cultural center in Nalchik was also attacked, which, according to Lazar, has no connection to Israel, as well as a hotel in Khasavyurt due to rumors that Israeli refugees were living there.

Lazar added that he is still waiting for answers from local officials, law enforcement agencies, residents of the region, and religious leaders on what they are doing to address anti-Semitism in the area, saying that every day he is asked by hundreds of Jewish community members if they are safe.  

Prior to the Makhachkala airport riot, commenting on anti-Semitic incidents in the North Caucasus, Lazar called on everyone in Russia to contribute to the “preservation of a unique atmosphere of mutual respect and support, which makes Russia a good place to live,” and not to allow extremists to “burn the bridges of friendship.” He also expressed confidence in law enforcement to protect against extremists.