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Russia’s Federation Council approves bill to withdraw ratification of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Source: Meduza

Russia’s Federation Council has approved a law revoking the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, according to Interfax.

Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko stated before the meeting that if the United States “continues to not take steps towards fulfilling its commitments, this treaty will remain a sham, and it makes no sense for Russia to participate in this pretense any longer.” She added that “if the West, the United States, is seriously interested in international stability, it will hear this signal and take the necessary actions.”

First Deputy Head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Sergey Kislyak stated that despite the withdrawal of ratification, Russia “remains a nation that has signed the treaty, with all the ensuing rights and obligations.”

On October 18, the Russian State Duma unanimously approved a draft law on revoking ratification of the treaty.

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was adopted in 1996 by the U.N. General Assembly. Russia ratified the document, while the U.S. and China did not.