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Ukrainian authorities find pro-Russian materials and military storage facilities in Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church buildings

The Ukrainian Security Service said Friday that in the course of its raids on church buildings belonging to the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church in four regions, it uncovered various pro-Russian materials and, on territory recently liberated by Ukrainian troops, storage facilities that were used by Russian soldiers.

In churches in the Kirovohrad, Dnipropetrovsk, and Rivne regions, Ukrainian law enforcement officers found “pro-Russian literature,” campaign materials for the banned pro-Russian party Opposition Platform — For Life, and various Russian symbols such as the Russian tricolor flag, the agency reported.

In the Church of St. John of Kronstadt, which is located in a part of the Kherson region that was recently liberated by Ukrainian forces, officers reportedly discovered storage areas that were used by occupying Russian troops. According to investigators, the facilities were set up with the help of church archpriest Anatoly Kornev, who reportedly fled to Russian-occupied territory after Russia lost control of Kherson.

According to the Ukrainian Security Service, the evidence found in the churches has been sent in for examination, while the secretary of the Kirovohrad diocese has been declared a suspect in a criminal case.