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Putin allows draft deferral for graduate and night school students

Source: TASS

Vladimir Putin announced that he has signed an order correcting the conditions for the deferral of “partial mobilization” for additional groups.

According to Putin, graduate students and students enrolled in evening classes will not be subject to mobilization.

The deferral extends to institutes of higher education with state accreditation, Putin said.

The Russian president explained he “had to make adjustments,” because the Ministry of Defense did not make timely changes to the legal framework for who was subject to the draft. 

At the time of publication there was no information about the order on the Russian web portal for legal information. 

On September 24, Putin signed an order allowing a deferral of mobilization for full- or part-time students studying for their first degree. At that time, deferral applied only to students of state institutions.

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Vladimir Putin announced the so-called “partial mobilization” in Russia on September 21. The president’s order did not prescribe specific criteria for who or how many would be drafted. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that mobilization would affect 300,000 people, and that only those who had already served, and who had specialized training and previous military experience would be called up. The ministry promised it would not call up students or conscripts. However, the government announced that part-time students could be drafted at the draft commission’s discretion.