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Detained protesters in Moscow given military registration summonses

Source: OVD-Info

In some Moscow police stations, those detained during the anti-mobilization protests on September 21 were given summonses to appear at military registration and enlistment offices, says human rights project OVD-Info.

Summonses were served to detainees at a number of police stations around the city. Kirill Goncharov, a member of the Yabloko party, published a summons given to one of the protesters at the Mozhaisky district police department.

The wife of one of the detainees at the Sokolinaya Gora district police station told Mediazona that her husband was personally handed a summons by the military commissar.

“On video, they filmed themselves handing him a summons and saying that he cannot not accept it, because he is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and must come tomorrow to the commissariat,” she said.

A man in plain clothes came to the Marfino district police station, saying that he would serve summonses. It is unknown whether any of the detainees received summonses to appear before the enlistment office. Human rights activists report that at least one of the detainees was threatened with criminal proceedings for refusing to sign a summons.

According to OVD-Info. summonses were also served in Voronezh Police station No. 8, where some protesters were taken.

On September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced mobilization in the country. After that, there were protests all over Russia. According to OVD-Info, by the morning of September 22, more than 1,308 people had been detained in 39 Russian cities. St. Petersburg (478 people) and Moscow (530 people) had the highest number of detainees.