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Would-be candidate backed by environmental activists banned from running for governor of Russia’s Arkhangelsk Region

Source: 29.ru

Election officials in Russia’s far-Northern Arkhangelsk Region have rejected a number of the candidate signatures collected in support of Oleg Mandrykin’s run for governor, thereby preventing him from entering the gubernatorial race, reports the local news site 29.ru. 

Mandrykin — a businessman from the city of Severodvinsk — was nominated by the Yabloko party and had the support of the “Stop Shiyes” coalition (a local environmental movement that has led sustained protests opposing the construction of a new landfill near the Shiyes train station).

Reportedly, Mandrykin collected 214 signatures from municipal and district deputies, to help him overcome the “municipal filter” and thereby qualify to run for governor. He submitted 198 signatures to the Arkhangelsk Region’s Election Commission — nine more than required. 

Oleg Mandrykin had 23 signatures from individuals who had also supported another candidate. They were not counted in favor of the candidate from the “Stop Shiyes” coalition [Mandrykin], since these same signatures appeared [in support of] the other candidate earlier. Mandrykin was unable to collect signatures in three quarters of the municipalities and city districts, as required by regional law.


The Arkhangelsk Region is set to hold gubernatorial elections from September 11–13, 2020. According to 29.ru, the regional election commission registered six candidates to run in the elections, including acting governor Alexander Tsybulsky.