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Russia’s State Duma cancels fines for displaying Nazi symbols in non-propagandistic cases

The State Duma has voted in favor of an amendment to the Codex of Administrative Violations that cancels some existing fines for displaying Nazi symbolism. The amendment passed its third and final reading, practically guaranteeing that it will become law.

Fines that previously reached up to 50,000 rubles ($784) will no longer be applied in cases where Nazi symbols are used to express “a negative view toward Nazi and extremist ideology” and where “there are no indicators of the propagandizing or justification of Nazi or extremist ideology.”

“The absurd fact that anyone who published images from World War II films, Soviet posters, photos, or stills faced the threat of a fine is finally done with,” the legislation’s initial sponsor announced through a Duma statement.

Duma deputies already passed a law in November 2019 that allowed for educational, non-propagandistic uses of Nazi and extremist symbolism. That amendment applied to Russia’s anti-extremist criminal laws rather than its administrative regulations.