At a major press conference in Moscow, Vladimir Putin suggested removing the word “consecutive” from Russia’s constitutional limit on two consecutive presidential terms. Putin is currently serving his second consecutive (fourth non-consecutive) term in office.
“What could be done regarding these terms is to remove the clause ‘consecutive.’ Yours truly served two terms, then I left this office and had the constitutional right to return to the presidency. Because it wasn’t two consecutive terms. [This clause] troubles some of our political experts and public figures. It could probably be removed,” Putin said.
The president then added that virtually everything in Russia’s Constitution could be changed, except the first chapter about the fundamentals of the country’s constitutional system. Specifically, Putin suggested expanding the parliament’s rights. “With good preparation and a thorough public discussion, we could do all this, albeit very carefully,” said Putin.
As the clock ticks down on Putin’s fourth presidential term, much of Russian politics currently centers around questions about his plans for 2024. Rumors have circulated that he could amend the Constitution to remain in office, expand integration with Belarus to take on a new role within a larger state, swap seats with Dmitry Medvedev again for another “tandem rule,” or even step down and retire.