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Putin gives Medvedev a painting for the latter's birthday

Source: Meduza

Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with a painting for his 51st birthday. The painting is titled “In the workshop.”

After a meeting of Crimea’s State Council, Putin said: “Today I would like [to congratulate you] personally and, on behalf of all [those present at this meeting], give you a souvenir. This corresponds to what Dmitry Anatolyevich does. This painting is called ‘In the workshop’.”


Putin gives Medvedev a painting called “In the workshop”

RT's Youtube channel

For the Prime Minister’s 50th birthday last year, the President bestowed upon him Russia’s Order for “Services to the Fatherland.”

Putin gave Medvedev a painting for his birthday in 2012, as well.