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After being forced to spend a month undergoing psychiatric evaluation, Russia's ‘atheist blogger’ goes on trial

Source: Snob

A trial in Stavropol is now underway against the blogger Viktor Krasnov, who stands accused of offending the feelings of religious people because he dared to write the words “There is no God” in an online argument with a random Vkontakte user. He also called the Bible a “collection of Jewish fairy tales.” 

The man to whom these devastating claims were addressed later wrote an official complaint to police. Krasnov says the plaintiff is a law student. 

After being forced by a court to spend a month in a psychiatric hospital, Krasnov was declared sane by doctors. According to an analysis conducted by linguistic experts, his comments about the deity and His favorite book qualify as insults to the feelings of religious folks.

Russian lawmakers introduced the ban on insults to religious sentiments following the infamous Pussy Riot case. People convicted under this law (Article 148 of the Russian Criminal Code) face steep fines and up to a year behind bars.