Moscow court refuses to hear anti-corruption activist's lawsuit against President Putin

Source: Interfax

A Moscow court has refused to hear a lawsuit brought by anti-corruption activist Alexey Navalny against President Vladimir Putin, saying Navalny's charges aren't subject to consideration or resolution by administrative proceedings.

Navalny wanted to sue Putin for failing to report a conflict of interest when the president allocated money from the National Wealth Fund to a company called “Sibur,” whose shareholders include Kirill Shamalov, who is reportedly the husband of Katerina Tikhonova, allegedly Putin's younger daughter. (Putin has refused to confirm or deny this information.) 

According to Navalny, Putin violated laws against corruption when he sent government funding to Shamalov's business. When Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin's spokesman, was asked if Putin knows about the lawsuit, Peskov answered only, “No.