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Police detain 46 activists at Moscow opposition rally

Source: OVD Info

46 people have been detained by police on Moscow's Bolotnaya Square, which is known for being the site of mass protests against Putin’s government in 2011 and 2012. According to the website OVD-Info, the small crowd had gathered on Bolotnaya Square on the anniversary of the so-called “March of Millions,” which took place in May 2012 and ended in clashes between protesters and police.

The number of people arrested on Bolotnaya Square has reached at least 46.

OVD Info

Several dozen opposition activists gathered on Bolotnaya Square on May 6. Arrests began almost immediately. Police detained both people who came holding posters and people who were merely standing near the crowd.

The political opposition in Russia had filed an official request hold a protest on Bolotnaya Sqyare in May, but city authorities refused to authorize the event. Mikhail Shneider, one of the organizers of the protest, said that some protestors would gather in May despite lack of authorization.

On May 6, 2012, clashes occurred between police forces and protestors during the so-called “March of Millions” opposition rally. Dozens of people were injured. Criminal proceedings have been launched against 30 people, and 10 people are currently under arrest. No criminal proceedings have been launched against police officers who participated in the violence.