Two Russian national television networks, Pervyi Kanal and NTV, used the same expert in two different “live broadcasts” that aired simultaneously on Monday, February 29, according to a report by the news agency
On February 29, Pervyi Kanal and NTV each aired hour-long “live” talk shows beginning at 2 p.m. On Pervyi Kanal, the show discussed the actor Valery Nikolaev, who recently fled the scene of a hit-and-run. NTV's show, meanwhile, addressed the ceasefire in Syria.
According to, State Duma deputy Mikhail Starshinov achieved the miraculous feat of speaking simultaneously on both TV networks' live broadcasts about different subjects. Apparently, NTV's show had been taped, while Pervyi Kanal's show was actually airing live. About 13 minutes into the show on Pervyi Kanal (with NTV's show about 25 minutes into its broadcast), the show's host, Petr Tolstoy, joked with Starshinov on the air that he was at that moment appearing “live” on two networks at once. In both appearances, Starshinov was dressed in the same suit and tie.