The city of Biysk, located about 2,300 miles east of Moscow, has a new reality television show called "SergaTV." The show's premise is that a man named Sergei will spend three months living in an old house outfitted with cameras throughout. Every detail of his life will be live-streamed online, and viewers will "decide his fate."
Sergei started the show with just the bare necessities: a tee-shirt, some long johns, a pair of sandals, wool socks, a glass jar, a tea kettle, and matches. For food, he's supplied with all the sweet biscuits and water he can consume. The house he's living in is in disrepair, but it is equipped with a sink, a stove, and a small supply of firewood.
Viewers vote on how Sergei will dress and what kind of items he'll receive, as the show progresses. So far, the audience has voted to send him a can of condensed milk, though he has no way to open it. Viewers can also join a chat board, where they can assign tasks to Sergei.
The whole show is available in living color on YouTube (see below) or at the reality show's website.
Live feed from SeregaTV Official
SeregaTV Official
If you'd rather not spend hours watching a man in his socks and undershorts, you're also welcome to view the show's trailer, which features a bit more action and drama than a typical peek at the live feed.
SeregaTV trailer
SeregaTV Official