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Behold the most magical bus stop unveiling ceremony you've ever seen

Source: Zvezda

In the village of Kortkeros, in the Russian republic of Komi, officials have unveiled a sparkling new bus stop across the street from the main library, according to the local news website Zvezda. In the announcement, it's not called out, but judging by photographs of the unveiling ceremony, the new bus stop appears to consist of no more than two slabs of concrete. That's all.

This no-frills design made the unveiling's ribbon ceremony rather awkward, as there was no place to tie the ribbon. Undeterred, two officials simply held the tape up, while a third split it with scissors. 


Last Tuesday, officials inaugurated a new bus stop across from the main library on Sovetskaya Street. Taking part in the ceremony were assistant district head Anatoly Kulakov, deputy administrative head Svetlana Mozhaiskaya, and several residents of the area.

Official Vkontakte Kortkeros community

Commenting online, several Kortkeros locals have already wondered if the bus stop couldn't use a few improvements.

Please add a roof to guard against the rain and wet snow. People would be very grateful for a bus stop with a roof.

Photo: Anna Kodaneva / Vkontakte