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Latvian artist ‘crucifies Putin’ at Riga’s former KGB headquarters

Source: Delfi

An artist in Latvia has erected a statue in the inner courtyard of Riga’s former KGB headquarters depicting a crucified Vladimir Putin. Passersby are invited to hammer a nail into the Putin dummy. According to the local news media, the creator of the exhibit wishes to remain anonymous.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told reporters today that he hasn’t seen the statue, but said, “This is bad. This is on the conscience of whoever did this. Unquestionably, it does no reflect a very high level of culture.”

"Putin" is crucified in the KGB's courtyard in Lavtia.

The “crucified Putin” is only one of ten exhibits now on display in the courtyard, though it is reportedly the only installation that depicts the Russian President. It remains unknown if government authorities sanctioned the art show.

According to Riga's mayor, Nils Ušakovs, the courtyard in question falls under the Latvian Ministry of Culture's jurisdiction. Ušakovs assures the public that Riga's city council did not approve the art show, and says its exhibits demonstrate that "it's still possible to buy street drugs somewhere in this city."