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Russia is killing Ukrainians every day. We refuse to turn a blind eye. But to continue our work, Meduza needs your help.

Source: Meduza

Every day, practically around the clock, we report on the war in Ukraine. At the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, we laid out our goal: to show it through the eyes of Ukrainians. Through the eyes of the people whose lives have been destroyed by Russia. Not a single family in Ukraine has been left untouched by this war. Brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters have been injured and killed. Millions of people have lost their homes. Many of them simply have nowhere to return to.

The war against Ukraine is also destroying Russia and ruining its future. Millions in Russia have also been affected by this war. Thousands of people have sacrificed their freedom and their lives to oppose the authorities and stand up to Putin. Many have been forced into exile. Ukrainians have faith in their future victory and the support of the democratic world. And of course, history is on their side. For Russians, an enormous amount of work lies ahead — and if we’re going to get through it, we can’t lose hope for the future. And that’s not so easy right now.

Two years is long enough to get used to almost anything. And many people nearly have. Many have simply averted their eyes. But closing our eyes won’t make this nightmare go away — because this isn’t a bad dream, it’s reality.

Our job is to be witnesses to this horror. To tell you about these events. To rigorously and accurately document what’s happening in Russia, Ukraine, and the wider world. To not let evil act in darkness. And to show those who value the truth that they’re not alone.

We’re turning to you because without you, we won’t survive. This entire time, we’ve had an ongoing crowdfunding campaign. At the same time, we’ve sought support from international organizations that provide funding for journalism. Late last year, this funding decreased significantly. We’re depending entirely on you.

Help Meduza continue its work. Please sign up for a recurring donation. Even a small amount will go a long way. We believe in the freedom of speech — and we believe we have a duty to do everything we can to bring an end to the war in Ukraine and to the Putin regime.

And of course, please donate to help Ukrainians, who are paying an unthinkable price for this monstrous war every single day.

Together, we will win.

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