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Pussy Riot activists hold memorial protest for Navalny opposite Russian Embassy in Berlin

Source: Meduza

On February 18, Pussy Riot activists held a memorial protest for Alexey Navalny in Berlin. Group members Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Lucy Shtein, as well as Navalny associate Lyubov Sobol and former Russian state TV employee Marina Ovsyannikova, were among those turned out to demonstrate in front of the Russian Embassy. The protesters planned to march from there to the Brandenburg Gate but were stopped by police.

Daria Globina / Schön

Pussy Riot members and Lyubov Sobol hold a sign by a memorial for Navalny in front of the Russian Embassy in Berlin. February 18, 2024.

Daria Globina / Schön

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova surrounded by police officers. Police asked protesters to remove their balaclavas.

Daria Globina / Schön

Lyubov Sobol and members of Pussy Riot hold a sign reading “Murderers”

Daria Globina / Schön

Marina Ovsyannikova holds a sign with a quote from Navalny

Annegret Hilse / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

Daria Globina / Schön

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