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‘This symbolizes everything about Russia’ Moscow street cleaner sticks to route, despite massive thunderstorm and flooded roads

Source: Facebook

A powerful thunderstorm rocked the city of Moscow on the night of July 13, knocking down more than a thousand trees. According to reports, one person was killed and 17 people were injured in the region surrounding the city. In Moscow itself, there were nine injuries, including some people struck by lightning. More than a hundred cars were damaged in the storm, as well. The mayhem wasn't enough to stop some of the city's road crews, however. According to a video published by the “Blue Buckets” civic group, at least one street cleaner stuck to his route, blasting a flooded street with water, apparently indifferent to the fact that it was pointless, given the weather conditions.


Symbolizing everything about Russia.

Blue Buckets / Andrei Khodorchenkov and Katerina Ogneva